Friday, April 13, 2012

My Friends, The Ducks

Look at them waddle!
     So I told you in the last post that I had a few pics of my lovely duckie friends, and my phone finally decided to cooperate so I have them now! And I really wanted to share them with you because I think they are just so freaking adorable. And they make me happy. Hopefully I will get to visit them tomorrow, if it's not raining!


They got so close! My camera was not zoomed at all.

     Also, for easter, my mom decided to get my dad his very own library card! So we took him in on saturday to get it and I just had to take a picture! Look how happy he is! lol they grow up so fast.

What a cutie!

1 comment:

  1. I love ducks! I have three of my own and they always make me laugh. They're so silly and fun.

    Congrats to your dad on the library card. I just hope he's responsible with it, no late fees! You know how they can be.... ;)

    Thanks for your helpful comment on my blog! It was very good advice. Plus, if you hadn't left it I never would have found your blog!
