Friday, October 28, 2011

Things change...

     The only thing that stays the same in life is the fact that it is always changing. Change can sometimes be a hard thing, but it's something we all have to come to terms with. Things change, and we just have to learn to make the best of it. There are a lot of things in my life that are changing right now, but I am thankful to say that I'm pretty happy with all of them :) Life is good when you can welcome change with an open heart!

     First of all, one of my bestest friends in the whole wide world and roommate for three years is getting married. Yep, married! I am so happy for her. Her boyfriend, soon to be fiance, is an absolutely amazing guy and he is everything she has ever wanted in an eternal companion. I always thought she would be the first to get married, but now that that time is here I find myself thinking "whoa wait, already?!" which is silly because this is our fourth year of college. There is no doubt in my mind that this is right and that she is ready for this next step in her life. Honestly, it is a little weird to me, just because I am nowhere near ready to be married yet. At least, I don't think so. There are just way too many things going on in my life right now. I'm having a hard time figuring out if I am ready for a relationship, let alone marriage! Anyways, moral of the story is that I am so excited for my best friend and I am so happy that she has found the person she is going to spend the rest of her life with :)

     Speaking of relationships... there's a boy in my life! Yep, you heard right, a boy ;) I will try to avoid going into too much detail, but basically he is amazing :) We are really similar in a lot of areas and we think the same about most stuff. I've had a crush on this boy for a while now, so it's pretty fantastic that things are finally starting to work out! I don't think I have ever meshed so well with anyone outside of my family and above-mentioned best friend. I catch myself daydreaming about him constantly, which probably isn't a very good thing when it happens during my classes lol. Anyways, I'll stop gushing... :) I will admit though, I am kindof apprehensive about where things are going. I really like this boy and I really want things to work out. I just hope that getting involved with him is a good thing, because at this point I don't think my heart will let me not get involved :)

     Losing friends is generally a hard change to cope with, but sometimes it is just necessary to move on in life. Someone very close to me recently told me he didn't want to be in my life anymore. It really is sad to me because I've known him for going on four years, and I feel like we have been through a lot together. Being friends definitely wasn't easy, but I've always felt that it was worth it. Apparently, he didn't feel the same way. Even though I'm sad that our friendship is over, I think it's probably for the best. By keeping our friendship going, I've also been carrying around a lot of baggage. I'm hoping that I'll be able to let all of the junk from my past go so I can move on to better things in my life (see above paragraph ;) ).

     Along with all this, school is as hard as ever (if not harder) and I feel like I am always busy. BUT, all things considered, I definitely think my life is on the plus side right now :)


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